Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Green Smoothie


This morning, I wanted to share a routine that I have been doing for the past few weeks and I have been feeling the results already.  I have been making green smoothies.  The honest truth, it has taken me awhile to adjust to the taste.  I don't use any sweeteners at all.  No honey, no agave nectar, nada, zilch, nothing! =/

I thought I would share my base recipe with you and you can adjust as you like!
Sometimes, I might not have Kale and sometimes I'll add more. Sometimes, I will use a mix of fruits or sometimes just one.  The important thing is that you adjust it to your liking!

1 1/2 cup spinach
1/2 cucumber sliced with peel 
1/4 sliced lemon with peel
1 cup frozen strawberries (or any fruit you would like)
1/2 cup kale
1 cup liquid of choice (unsweetened is best)

You might like to add a sweetener to start off and then wean yourself off if you like!
I used Soymilk this time, because that's what I had, but almond milk is nice as well.
I also like to add Chia seeds. I didn't do it this time. =(

Your end result

Cheers to your health!



  1. Your blog is beautiful! We also do a green smoothie almost every morning :) I haven't put all those other "yummy" things in it... yet... like lemon with peel. :) Maybe I'll have to give it a try!

    1. Thank you! I think your blog is beautiful too! Hope you will like the lemon, it is really good!

  2. I need to get back to green smoothies. I used to use a banana, an apple, greens, and frozen berries.

    1. I need to use an apple! =) I have tried the banana as well. I encourage you to go back, I am sure you will be glad you did! =) xoxox

  3. This looks so good, I will be adding this to our morning smoothie recipes :]

    1. I hope you enjoy it! When first mixed it looks brown because of the strawberries but then turns to a beautiful green! So it's fun too! =)


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