Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thoughtful Thursdays......Hardships of Running a Family Business!

Are there hardships in running a family business? 

Yes, yes, and yes!

At this point my soap business is not a booming success and I can honestly say that I am still just taking baby steps.  But, it is moving along - slowly - but it's going. I can actually tell you that in the past weeks I see doors opening up that I thought would take a long time to open for me. I am praising God for these opportunities.

What has been an added bonus? I have a supportive husband, and I have a picture to prove it. Just look, he's even smiling! 

I know everyone's situation is different, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel. 

We have a lot going on in our home, but it is working, with God's help.  It also helps to be organized, and I love my planner! ;)

Before you continue to read, I want you to know that this post is meant to encourage you and not discourage you at all. I just want to share what has been helping me through the hard times. 
I think as entrepreneur, you are always asking yourself questions? 
You know... the "Should I?", "Why didn't I?", "How can I?", "What if?", and on and on.
What does my situation look like?
My husband can be considered self employed. His plate is pretty full and we are blessed that he can work from home. We have 5 children, homeschool 4 of them and cater to them all. =)
I try to run a tight ship but I often find myself running my business in between math, science, reading, and social studies; during a diaper change; as a passenger in the car; while the kids are playing outside; and more often than not - while the kids are sleeping! How about when friends are having fun at a function and you can't attend because your working? I have learned that there are important things that help to keep me sane.

Here they are:
1) God
2) Support from family and friends.
3) Schedules
4) Planner =) 
5) Goals
6) Courage
7) God

I am sure there's more for the in-between! But this is what is working for me at the moment.
Remember, it's ok to step back and take a break and come back at a later time.

If you are married, you must make time for your spouse. I have to admit that I can forget. I have to write it in my planner sometimes. Yes, I am not proud of that, but it's true! I am always learning.

I have faith in God! I know that He will work everything out, but we have to do our part, too.
Just know that whatever you are experiencing, though it may difficult - it will pass!

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